Beers With A Miner

70 Hard Hat Mentor + Covid 19



Mad Mumzie’s sister chats about how things have changed for our mining industry. Secure your own oxygen mask first, working from home, physical distancing and re-framing Corona. Be sure to stay to the end where the convo turns to drinking too much when working from home, exercise or lack of it, roster changes, time for re-invention, bin and Anzac day challenges and getting out in the community and work again after all this. Plus find out why the Number 70 is so special to Mad Mumzie? 4 audio files sent to MM triggered this convo, just for you. Show notes: Can you see the pictures?  Please let Mad Mumzie know. Tag me and use the #picturesworked Twitter, insta or Facey :-) This was the first time I have added them! Are you looking for a job in the mines but don't know where to start? Head to Online courses by Mad Mumzie: Thanks to Bantacs Accounting Group Sponsor for