Beers With A Miner

58: Earthquakes and Mining



HHM's partner was trying to sleep for night shift when the quake struck. What did he feel? Does it affect the operation of mine sites? MM honestly didn't know. A chat helped, and some first hand knowledge from author and underground deputy Buck helped answer that question."The first quake struck at 1:39pm Sunday, between Broome and Port Hedland. Aftershocks will continue. Although rare, there is the possibility of another large seismic event being triggered "What about all the mines in the area?"  Peeps on Social Media were asking me what goes on when there is an earthquake? Mad Mumzie and Hard Hat Mentor (Steel Cap Sisters) chatted about it.  Show notes page: Links from the episode. Hard Hat Mentor's Real Miner was in Meekatharra. How far from Broome where earthquake was? 17 h 36 min (1,537.4 km) via National Highway 95 and National Highway 1 2016 MM's earthquake off B