Beers With A Miner

Stop Adani Convoy v Go Galilee Basin Rally



Passionate speakers share their thoughts on The "Stop Adani convoy" with Bob Browne leading the charge all the way from Hobart! Coming into our region to voice their opinion on the Carmichael coal mine, and the locals aren’t happy. Why was it on? Why were we there? 80% of the crowd put up their hands when asked if it was their first rally too? It was time to stand up for our region. The convoy drove past dirty brown coal mines and power stations in Vic and NSW to protest against the cleanest coal in the world! After my free sausage MM interviewed Mackay Mayor Greg Williamson, Federal member for Dawson George Christensen and  the MC for the event, RIN Director and rally virgin himself Mick Crowe. They all spoke of their pride in how many peeps came out to show support for our industry. In the distance I could see red flags blowing as the stop Adani Convoy prepared to leave. Interesting time to be on the Peak Downs Highway! Will they get fuel? Many hoped not. Google Go Galilee