Better Together Podcast - A Christian Marriage And Family Show With Micah And Rochelle

030 - 10 Ways To Improve Your Marriage Now (BONUS EPISODE)



Book Micah and Rochelle to speak at your church, small group, or event. Tap here to learn more. In this episode of the Better Together Podcast - A Christian Marriage and Family Show, Micah and Rochelle bring back episodes 3 and 4 to share with our new listeners some of our fans' favorite content.  We love your iTunes reviews! Please consider leaving one. This helps other people find our show by raising our rankings in iTunes. Thank you for your help! Remember to share this podcast with family and friends. Our goal is to be helpful. We appreciate your comments, reviews, emails, and recommendations. Submit a question or show topic at Get all of the show notes at Learn about Micah and Rochelle at Challenge: Listen through every one of our episodes this week. The first person who does gets a special prize. Email us to let us know you did it!