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MM62: Dr. Michelle Mazur on Creating a Category of One



When it comes to speaking, and pretty much anything else, it’s all too easy to be forgettable. Dr. Michelle Mazur joins us today to talk about how to create a story around you and your business that’s uniquely you and positions you into a category of one. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Is just telling your story enough? Michelle explains why it’s not even close to enough. Making your story ‘audience centered’ is key to speaking. Michelle explains how you can use your story to create a connection with the audience, and then move on to how it can help them. How to find your ‘small moment’ stories and then how to think about relate that to your audience. Storytelling is almost like a fable, it should have a ‘moral’ or a key point to takeaway. Michelle explains how to position yourself in a category of one, and why it’s so important. What is a ‘me too’ speaker, and how can you avoid becoming one? I