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MM60: Crafting Customer Proof That Sells For You



Too often when it comes to preparing copy for our site customer proof is an afterthought. It’s not just about having some testimonials and calling it good, but crafting customer proof that sells for you. Well done customer proof can help do the heavy lifting as people decide whether or not to buy from you. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: How do customer proof and copywriting go together? Think of customer proof as storytelling, not just having a bunch of quotes on your site The problem with negative social proof is and how to avoid it How to strategically place the different kinds of customer proof on your site: small quotes, case studies, client interviews, etc. Don’t shy away from sharing your customer stories on social media, publicly showing your connection to your clients is a good idea How to actually go about collecting customer proof and how to do it in a timely fashion Some pointers on