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MM44: Turning Your Clients Into The Hero



Diving into the world of storytelling today and talking about how to get out of the “Hero’s Journey” and turn your customers into the hero instead. If we’re always talking about ourselves, we’re missing the point - and customer stories help engage our audience in a totally different way. And it’s a solo show, just me and you! Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Maggie’s history of ‘voice of the customer’ campaigns Why we should be using customer stories instead of just quotes Maggie explains why storytelling actually works Why making your client the hero instead of yourself is so much more impactful The different kinds of proof and when to use each one How and why to ‘step up’ from just using testimonials Top Takeaways for this Episode: Are you always talking about yourself? Then stop it! Let your customer’s be the hero. Look at how you’re sharing your clients’ successes and how you can step it up