Staying Adventurous With Craig Zabransky

Skiing Snowshoe Mountain West Virginia - Staying Adventurous Ep 52



Come along with Craig Zabransky of as he skis his way down the wild and wonderful mountains located in Snowshoe, West Virginia. He shares tales of epic ski runs with impressive verticals and the joys of his time staying in a centrally located boutique property. To help share the story, Craig interviews the owner of Elk River Snowboard & Ski Rental, the executive chef from Appalachia Kitchen and also the owner the Corduroy Inn and Lodge. The podcast also offers thoughts on the local cuisine, sunset locations and Craig hares his top travel tips and the mindset moment, plus more. Much more.  Located in the mid-Atlantic region, Snowshoe may be under the radar for many, but it certainly offers a great east coast ski holiday. To learn more about this destination and all the stories about the region visit the episode's show notes through the Staying Adventurous podcast page > here. And also make sure to "subscribe" to his quest to be your guide to "staying adventurous' to receive each new mon