Staying Adventurous With Craig Zabransky

How to Stay More than Home and Still Travel in Covid-19; Staying Adventurous Ep 42



Come along with Craig Zabransky of as he navigates not just how to stay home and stay safe, but also to stay traveling in this time of Covid-19.  The episode shows us how to stay more than home, points us in the direction to planning our next trip, details ways to travel inside our house in this "lock down," and offers each one of us a real physical postcard.  It also details a staying adventurous mindset on how to travel inward, and discusses the Sunset Sunday series and why it remains so important today. So listen in to Craig, your host, and get ready to take and make adventure even in this time of Covid-19.  For all the details on this episode and even search for other destinations as part of your travel research and visit the episode's show notes through the Staying Adventurous podcast page > here. And also make sure to "subscribe" to his quest to continue 'staying adventurous' to receive each new monthly episode.