Staying Adventurous With Craig Zabransky

Exploring the Mexico Caribbean in Cozumel - Staying Advenutorus Episode 28



  Come along with Craig Zabransky of as he explores Cozumel, Mexico's Caribbean Island. Located off the Yucatan Peninsula in eastern Mexico, this island paradise a few miles from the Riviera Maya offers holidays for travelers and cruise passengers alike. Craig shares his experiences from his past three most recent trips to island that he first visited as a teenager in the 1980s. He highlights what changed and what thankfully still remains the same on this Caribbean paradise and details many of the best things to do in Cozumel. Also hear from Cruise specialist Doug of Cruise Radio and local social media expert Marisa known locally as @AstridComet. Learn he Top 3 Travel Tips and advice for when you plan your visit and the travel take-away and souvenir - the Staying Adventurous Mindset Moment along with where to watch a sunset. Craig has visited Cozumel multiple times in his life and plans to return again. He knows he has more to discover and will certainly share it when he does. Stay tuned.