Staying Adventurous With Craig Zabransky

Staying Adventurous Episode 08: The Sensations of Singapore



Come along with Craig Zabransky of and discover the sensations of Singapore. In this episode Craig discusses his 5 day / 4 night stay in Singapore detailing what sensations to experience especially its cuisine culture, interviews locals via a round table discussion at the Orchard Hotel Singapore, and also meets up with an old colleague from his global management consultant days to discuss Singapore as a local. As always he leaves you with travel tips when visiting the city and the Staying Adventurous Mindset Moment - your take away travel souvenir from his adventure in Singapore. This was Craig's first trip to Singapore and he left enchanted with many of its sensations. The adventure was part of a bigger trip which included Malaysia too. He aims to discuss more of the trip on a future episode. See all the podcasts and the future schedule on his podcast page > here.