Inspiring Personal Development Interviews With Salespeople, Trainers, Coaches & Authors. Gary Vaynerchuk, Mel Robbins, Grant

Jeff Glover - Top team owner on efficiency and closing 1000 homes a year



ONE MORE SALE - PATH TO MASTERY PODCAST BONUS LIVE PRE-QUAL CALL! Jeff Glover, owner of the Top Producing Jeff Glover and Associates team discusses how they will close  over 1000 sides in 2016. Jeff's Personal Production 2016 - 180-200 units Team Production 2016 - 800-1000 units Building a business by being efficient and focusing on our strengths 
 "Don't try and be everything to everyone. Don't chase the next big thing. Pick 1 thing and do it really well, and do it over and over again, teach others how to do it and do it for a long time, and the dividends will pay off." - Jeff Glover   LISTEN TO THE AWESOME LIVE PREQUAL CALL!!! (Full of AHAs!!!!) Jeff Brilliantly handles why both parties should be present at the listing appointment. STEPS TO Massive Success • Figure out what are your strengths and weaknesses • Turn over all the things that are not within your strength zone     • Know your material so well that you can be efficient • Get in-front of 1 or 2 people daily • Work on leadership and business dev