Our Work At Home Life With Jason And Jami: Online Business | Blogging | Working From Home

OWAHL 006: Thinking of going full time with your business? Here are some things to think about!



Question: "My husband and I would love to entertain the idea of entrepreneurship. While his job is sufficient in providing for us financially, it leaves much to be desired in regard to family life. However, we feel completely stuck at the moment. In addition to a dependable salary, his job also provides excellent insurance coverage for all five of us (dental, medical, and vision). He has a 401k and retirement account that has been funded since he began with the company over ten years ago. There is a lot to fund financially, and these are all just the basics! How is this done while pursuing entrepreneurship? Are people (entrepreneurs) able to get on top of all these in ways we've yet to discover beyond dependency on a corporate job? Or, are people just going without the future being funded? Furthermore, how do you fully learn about the local, state and federal regulations and requirements? Registrations and taxes are required of a business. These are the kind of entrepreneurship questions that are generally n