Justin Mohr Show

The FED insider, Danielle DiMartino Booth and Forbes columnist, John Tamny on the FED! Both partially correct?



Danielle DiMartino Booth has a new book out on the fed from an insiders perspective. She says many things that Austrians can agree with and other things where she doesn’t go far enough!  She says we shouldn’t get rid of the fed but rather just need more competent people in charge. John Tamny offers critiques on her book but John misses the point in many respects. John Tamny thinks we mainly don’t need a fed because it’s largely irrelevant as it is. The way Mr. Tamny sees how the banking system works would still depend on a federal reserve so I can’t agree with his analysis either.  There’re many opinions on the fed and it seems Ron Paul and Murray Rothbard are the most correct on this issue.