Justin Mohr Show

Should we legalize insider trading? A closer look at the Martha Stewart and Phil Mickelson insider trading cases.



This question sounds crazy but, should we legalize insider trading?  As crazy as this may sound, legalizing insider trading is the right thing to do. Today, insider trading is considered a criminal act, why is this? It’s a victimless crime!  If you’re the CEO of some company and you leak out information against your contract or your fiduciary duty then that’s a civil case with the company you work for. If we want prices to reflect the most accurate and up to the minute information then we need to legalize insider trading!  Having insider trading illegal doesn’t level the playing field like most believe, it actually does the exact opposite. We have enough government laws as is and law enforcement can’t keep up with those!  Lets legalize insider trading so law enforcement can go after actual criminals with their very limited resources!