Off Color

Unity in the Activism Community



A very personal and intimate conversation about intersectionality in the activist community including anti blackness, conflict between black and brown organizers and LGBTQIA issues. We get face to face with the the pervasive sentiment in minority activist communities that "We show up for THEM, but they never show up for US!" But at the end of the day, we are oppressed in the same ways with different impacts and as soon as we acknowledge that the sooner we can fight together against a common oppressor. Special Guests: Lorena Garcia - Community Organizer, Former Candidate for US Senate, Tezcatli Diaz - Director of Youth Civic Engagement at Student Voice, Student Vote Elizabeth Torwudzo - Veteran, March Organizer,  Brianna Hall - Employee at American Indian Science and Engineering Society Shenika Carter - Actionist, Accountant, President of Caravan for Racial Justice 2: 30 - Guest Intos 12:30 - Why is it ok for allies to be in positions of power in some minority and activist organizations and not in others? 17:3