Selling!! #1 Real Estate Agent Marketing, Leads, Coaching, Advice, Training, Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Gary Vaynerchuck, Gra

Rebuilding and Retooling a Listing Side Business - Toby Salgado



Before we get to the episode I want to share with you some of the thoughts Ive had on this market.  We spend a lot of time over here thinking about how this market is trending.  We of course want to help our clients skate to where the puck is going rather than doing what it feels like most people are doing which is skating to where the puck is.   Last year was impossible to ever get any sort of handle on the market longer than maybe a 3 month view and thats why the people that ran their business---- just kept on chugging along did really well in their and those that tried to time the market lost a bunch of time and money.  Ill give you an example--there are people changed their business model mid year because they thought or were told to begin prepping for short sales and foreclosures but, in reality we saw just the opposite.  We saw a steady and sharp increase of home equity.     I dont want to get lost on historical analysis but, I do want to briefly share my thoughts on the rest of this year.  In terms of