

Whenever December rolls around I am always obsessing with future casting of what I want to accomplish for next year and this year is no different---typically  I will look back at my last 12 months and take note of what worked well for me and what things didn't go so well and then course correct.  Hopefully, I can see what I need to double down on and what I need to let go. Sometimes I double down on losses----If I had bad year trading stocks I will double up my positions and dig in to not only reverse my losses but, turn them into blockbuster returns---I always end up losing more because I start making bad bets. Sometimes I find something that has worked well and think that I am so good at that nowadays that I don't have to focus on it any more-----I always end up replacing a good habit with a bad habit, I can do an hour on goal setting but, I'm not-however I do want to take a few minutes and talk with you about the framework that I have found to be most effective to not only set goals but, to actually achiev