

More listings, more money, better life   We are closing in on a new year and hopefully all of you are planning out your goals for next year.  I dont usually get into end of year planning but, this is such a weird year that I felt like I should address this topic.     One of the reasons I felt like this was important is that unlike in other years is that everything has been changing so fast.  I know thats how it feels---everything is so different than it was last november.  When I say things are so different now Im not necessarily talking about politically or even economically even though areas are massively different than a year ago.  Im talking about the differences in how we live--how we work --fundamentally how we spend our time and attention.  And all this matters to a very large degree as we think about how we will attempt to reach more people and convert those people into listing their houses with you.   Let me ask the question - what are you going to do this year that will propel you forward?  When i m