Selling!! #1 Real Estate Agent Marketing, Leads, Coaching, Advice, Training, Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Gary Vaynerchuck, Gra

Building a 100 Person Team- Ryan Oneill on Routines, Mindset and whats working in 2020



Hey everybody whats up---im glad you found the show--todays guest has built a brokerage team of 100 and commonly does 1500 transactions.  Let me set the table ---often time when I interview these people I want to know what they do that has gotten them to their level--how did they become so successful but, after doing a ton of these over the years I have come to realize that it is not the tactics or strategies that they have employee but, its the way they think. The way they prioritize their days or weeks.  I'm always fascinated how people start in one place and end up somewhere they either never dreamed they could be or always dreamed of. Todays guest came from a small town----ended up getting into a top tier university and  then made songs selling 10M records ---he has taken what he has learned and built a massively successful real estate team.  He shares what team leaders should be providing new agents and what most agents are getting wrong.  He shares what his secret sauce for getting his agents to succeed