Selling!! #1 Real Estate Agent Marketing, Leads, Coaching, Advice, Training, Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Gary Vaynerchuck, Gra

322: Make Small Changes for Big Results in your Real Estate Business



Today has been one of those days.  My alarm clock didn’t go off---I spilled coffee all over myself in the car---dropped my kid off late and in the bathroom  realized there was no toilet paper just when I needed it.  Yeah---that was gross but, its those kind of days that we just need a mulligan.  We need a redo ---a fresh start.  For me---the New Year is new start—fresh beginnings.  It’s the little things that can have the greatest impact.  A really smart guy once told me that if I could get just 1% better each day---at the end of the year I would be 365% better----that stuck with me.  I’m trying to find the little things I can change.  The things I can do right now---today.  That might be something personal like doing 25 pushups today or something that impacts me financially like changing the coverage on my auto policies.  I just did that and saved about 1200 bucks a year----1200 dollars isn’t going to change my life but, it all matters.  How about you?  What is something structural that you can change today?