Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP38: Keri Nola on Giving Yourself Permission to Receive Abundance



I’ve invited Keri Nolan to be a guest on the podcast because I have respected her work for so long. She is multi-talented and looks at the world from a beautifully grounded, energetic place, and she has hosted podcasts and retreats as well.   Keri shares that she is working with healing entrepreneurs around the topic of abundance and prosperity. She finds that healers have such open and giving hearts and tend to get a little stuck when it comes to giving permission to receive. What does it say about us if we’re willing to experience expansive abundance and resources and freedom and liberation in our business as a result of sharing our service with the world? Keri has created a free experience called the Abundance Activation Challenge which invites people into a 6 day journey of visiting some wounds they might have around money. She is excited to invite more people to join the journey of saying “Yes, I CAN heal and help and serve AND experience freedom and financial prosperity and abundance at the same time!”