Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP28: Amber Lilyestrom & How She Reduced Missed Payments From Clients



I’ve invited Amber Lilyestrom, to be a guest on the podcast to share how having her business legally protected allows her to stay in alignment with her beliefs when it comes to missed or default payments from clients. Amber shares her own story about when a client suddenly stopped paying her. She explains how she worked with the client to reach a solution by using her skills as a coach. She talks about how she approached the situation with her client to reach a positive conclusion that felt good both to her and to her client. More About Amber:Amber Lilyestrom is a transformational branding strategist and business coach, philanthropist and lifestyle entrepreneur. She has been featured in Entrepreneur, and Working Mother magazine and is the host of the Amber Lilyestrom Show. She helps women entrepreneurs position themselves as sought after experts and thought leaders through social media, engagement marketing and the creation of a soul-connected online brand presence. She's helped thousands of w