Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP27: Legal Basics: Your First 3 Legal Steps



Most coaches and business owners have NO idea where to start and wonder if they’re doing everything legally right. Do you feel that way too? If so, then you’ll love learning the first 3 legal steps that many entrepreneurs take when just starting out. You get the basics about 3 legal protections to help you feel safe that you’re not leaving yourself vulnerable or exposed as you work with 1-on-1 clients. Knowing the legal steps to take can eliminate worry, stress and lying in bed at night wondering if someone is going to come after you for doing something wrong.   In this episode Lisa shares: Why it’s important to take legal steps     3 reasons why legal documents support you in practical ways & energetically The first 3 legal steps for new business owners What you need as basic protection for your website What you need to protect your income when you work with 1-on-1 clients What you need to do when you’re making money to keep Uncle Sam away Which 3 chakras are supported by each legal step - and why it ma