Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP07: What You Should Trademark



Have you been thinking about trademarking your business name or your logo?  Not sure what trademarking really is - or if you even HAVE something to trademark? Branding is powerful – and lucrative. That’s why trademarking is so important. In this episode, you’ll learn what you should trademark for your business to keep Copycats and Swipers away from trying to steal your brand power or financially benefit from it. Trademarking is a complex area of the law and there’s a LOT to talk about so this episode covers the basics of Trademarking: what is trademarking, why you need it, when to do it, and WHAT you can and should trademark. In this episode Lisa shares: What is a trademark? What should you trademark? Why trademark? How trademarks protect your brand identity If you own a domain name, do you still have to trademark it? Why Lisa aligns trademarks with the crown chakra Freebie: Download Episode 7 Tip Sheet Resources: Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Mentions: Apple Starbucks Lululemon U