Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP05: How to Protect Online Group Programs



This episode is for you if you sell group programs as a business owner and you’re worried about how to protect your income - AND your content. If you run an online group program, we’re going to answer a question I get asked a lot – “What legal terms do I need if I sell group programs through my website? How do I make sure people pay me and how can I keep people from swiping my stuff?” You’ll learn how to use your sales policies -  Terms of Use - to protect your income and your work. You’ll discover how creating clear ownership lines and energetic boundaries with your clients helps them to know that your group program is of value and what they can and can’t do with your program content. Everyone gets on the same page. Win-Win!   In this episode Lisa shares: What are Terms of Use? When do you use Terms of Use? 2 HUGE Reasons You Need Terms of Use and how they protect you WHERE do you put the Terms of Use? Why Lisa aligns Terms of Use with the throat chakra Freebie: Download Episode 5 Tip Sheet Resources: Easy