Pioneers Post

How you can create & be part of ethical supply chains | Part 2 | WISE Ways to Lead Webinar



How to create, and be part of, an ethical supply chain? That’s the question we’re addressing today, in the first of our 2021 WISE Ways to Lead webinars delivered by Pioneers Post and NatWest. The first episode featured Jo Salter, founder of ethical brand Where does it come from, who explained how to build an ethical supply chain. In part 2, Pioneers Post's global editor Julie Pybus talks to Aoise Keogan-Nooshabadi, co-founder of Supply Change, an organisation that helps social enterprises win and deliver contracts, working with buyers in the construction industry, local authorities, housing associations and corporates. She tells us how social enterprises can get themselves into the supply chain as an ethical or more social alternative, and leverage that trend to build back better, during and post-pandemic. The episode concludes with Jo and Aoise answering questions from the webinar's audience. Keep an eye on our Twitter @pioneerspost or sign up to the Pioneers Post newsletter for more info on the next W