House Of St Barnabas

Thing 17: Is Exercise The New Elitism (part 2)



From the costly gym membership you never use to the fat-shaming of women and bragging about marathon training on social media, has our fascination with keeping fit turned unhealthy? At the start of the new year there’s more pressure than ever to exercise. But does this just mask a new form of snobbery? Are we creating a narcissistic culture that celebrates great abs over emotional wellbeing and treats the overweight like second-class citizens? Being fit is high fashion but can everyone afford to join in? Listen to speakers Lorraine Candy, Luxury Content Director at The Sunday Times and former Editor-in-Chief of Elle, Tim Weeks, Olympic trainer and fitness thinker, and Morgan Rees, Content Director of 3CMedia, in a debate chaired by Observer columnist Miranda Sawyer, exploring the role of fitness in modern society.