California Groundbreakers

This Changes Everything #2: Back to Work



In this episode, we’re taking a look at The Future of Work in California – how we’ll be doing it, and where we’ll be doing it from. In Part One, we’re talking about the post-pandemic office, and what it will look like, with two people in the Bay Area who are designing it now - Christopher Good, creative director of One Workplace, and Melissa Pesci, a principal at HGA Architecture in San Francisco. Then it’s a conversation with Adam D’Angelo, CEO of the technology firm Quora. Last June, he announced that his company, headquartered in Silicon Valley, would now and forever be a “remote first” company. Listen in as they tell us what the last 12 months has done to the workplace, and the workforce, in California, and how office life will be totally different going forward. * * * * * PART ONE * 0 to 3:55 min - Intro to "This Changes Everything," and our workplace-creator guests, Christopher Good and Melissa Pesci * 3:55 min - Visualizing what "Workplace 2