California Groundbreakers

The New Normal in California #2: How Will This Thing (Hopefully) End?



Over the next few weeks – or however long it takes before we are allowed to leave our houses again – we’ll be looking at the ways our coronavirus-affected lives are changing over the short- and long-term, and talking with Californians making significant change in this New Normal. In episode #1 of this series, we talked with a UC Davis epidemiologist about how COVID-19 got its start. In this episode, we‘re asking the question: How will it meet its end? How close are we to a vaccine? Will it kill it, or will it mutate and come back? In the meantime, should we start giving out "immunity passports?" Telling us what they know so far about all this are two UC Davis medical researchers who are part of the global team working round-the-clock on the race to create an effective vaccine. Listen to our talk with: * Chris Miller, core scientist in the Infectious Diseases Unit at UC Davis National Primate Research Center * Nam Tran, professor of clinical chemistry in the UC Davis Department of Pathology and Laboratory