Full 90 Coaching

Silvia Garcia - Head Coach with Woodland Soccer Club



 Silvia has been an assistant coach with Woodland Soccer Club for the past three years and is currently in her first year as a Head Coach. During this conversation, Silvia shares her experience transitioning from an assistant to a head coach, her playing time at the club, junior college, and semi-professional levels, and she opens up about becoming the first female coach and board member in her club's history. Silvia's Contact Info:E-mail: silviagarciaa10@gmail.comIG: sillviiia_garcia5300:10 Soccer background1:25 transitioning from assistant coach to head coach2:40 why not more women coaches?3:30 working as Secretary/ Administrator on the club’s board5:25 working at Woodland (small club) vs. Davis Legacy (large club)9:15 benefit of clubs offering a semi-pro level of play12:45 experience of playing at American River College16:45 transition from Junior College to Semi-Professional19:15 remaining discipline in the offseason and when dealing with injuries22:30 influential advice from previous coaches24: