Beauti: The Interviews

Meant to Be Told: The Katie Interview



+ Trigger Warning: Miscarriage + In this episode, we sat down with Katie, a survivor of miscarriage. Katie unpacks her story delicately, the way you unpack some little treasure you've stored away for safekeeping. And in many ways, that's what Katie had done with this memory up until this point. She had kept the memory of "Baby T" alive inside of her, and wanted to share that memory with all of you. She hones in on the importance of slowing down with grief and not rushing the process. She also speaks to the idea that she felt she needed to "just move on" from this miscarriage... a sentiment shared by many women. Finally, she talks about the tension and anxiety she felt during her next pregnancy, making it difficult to connect to the joy of the experience. Katie is brave and she is beautiful. And her story follow suit.