Beauti: The Interviews

Grit and Grace: The Maggie Interview



"What matters most is how we walk through the fire." - Charles Bukowski + Trigger Warning+ Sexual assault, PTSD In this episode, we welcomed Maggie to the mic to tell her survival story. Maggie is a semi-retired pageant girl and a two-time survivor of sexual assault. She transformed her pain into purpose by founding Trauma Queens, a nonprofit dedicated to helping other survivors of sexual assault - a bad ass, Beautifull move for sure. But do you know what else Maggie is? She is tired. She is recovering from a major loss last year - a loss she describes as the death of a lifelong dream - and she is tired. Tired of the rigidity, the obsessive pursuit of greatness, the endless expectation she be more. She is right in the middle of letting parts of her life come undone... and that is just as bad ass and Beautifull a thing as all of her other work that came before this part.  Maggie is grace and grit, full of healing wisdom and hope for the future. Resources for survivors of sexual assault: Local Resources: