Tara Simkins

Ep. 22 | Pressing On with Trust



In this episode, we explore TRUST as a tool for Pressing On in times of uncertainty. I share with you a personal account of how learning to trust day by day led me, and allowed me to lead my family, during the darkest days of pediatric cancer and how those lessons are particular relevant to current times. Within any time is an invitation to trust. These times are no different. From the Guides of Paul Selg in the Book of Mastery, "Trust yourselves and trust what comes. When you trust what comes, you go into agreement with a future that is trustworthy. When you trust what comes, you create an opportunity to go into a landscape without fear. When you trust what comes, you claim freedom because you are unafraid." From  Proverbs 3:5   "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Excerpt From The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav “Trust is developed step by step. It requires openness to new thoughts, new ways of looking at things, and new ways of thinking.” Now for bea