Reignite Your Purpose: Inspiration | Empowerment | Education With Life Mastery Coach Sheila Sutherland

Ep88: Generate Referrals Without Asking with Stacey Randall



Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner that loves getting referrals, but absolutely hates asking for them? Does the process of asking someone for a referral make you feel uncomfortable, manipulative or inauthentic? Today’s guest is here to tell us how we’ve been going about it all wrong and how the best way to get referrals is without asking for them. Stacey Randall is a 3 time entrepreneur, certified productivity and time efficiency coach, and business growth accelerator.  Stacey’s online programs and live coaching provide a blueprint to follow to take control of your referrals, your client experience and your business. She believes the best way to unleash a referral explosion is to do it WITHOUT asking for one! And she walks her talk, as she has gone from business failure to having over 100 referrals in just one year! Stacey has one focus in life and that is to help others avoid business failure. She helps solopreneurs and small business owners make more money and find more time. Two things that