Kristi Lee Uninterrupted

Your Honor the Mayor, Comedian Drew Hastings!



Drew Hastings’ road to politics was gravel and a bit bumpy. After spending 13 years in Hollywood he yearned for a less hectic life. He returned to Ohio were he had spent his formative years. But instead of a big city like Cincinnati or Cleveland he decided to buy a small farm in rural Hillsboro. Determined to make his town more vibrant he ran for mayor. And to the surprise of many was actually elected. This tall, well dressed man with the rock n roll hair proved to be quite a competent leader. During his tenure his sleepy little town has been spruced up and made financial more sound. However, after finishing his second term he will not seek a third. We find out why and how the last years in office have changed him. In this hodgepodge of a podcast we jump around from his start in comedy to women’s rights and from polo to paintball. (You HAVE to listen it will make sense.) Drew also gets a bit serious while discussing his marriage of almost 4 years and coming to terms with his own death. Sprinkled amongst his s