Kristi Lee Uninterrupted

Don't Flinch This Halloween with a New Podcast in the Works and the Classic Kane Hodder



This Halloween I decided to revisit the Friday the 13th with the ultimate Jason, Kane Hodder. I co-hosted this episode with Josh Arnold. Before I bring Jason back from the dead, I talk with my producer, Brad Shoemaker, about a new venture he is working on called the "Don't Flinch" podcast. Think of it like the old 30s and 40s radio horror dramas. Find out the multiple ways you can participate.   Don't Flinch is looking to raise funds to buy scripts, pay for voice talent, and some new equipment for sound design work. Their first episode is online now. We would love it if you had a few dollars you wanted to throw at this project to help Independent artists get their stories told. If you're the creative type and think you can write a good script, you can submit your script on the Don't Flinch website. Now back to Kane, the ultimate Jason Voorhees. I am quick to admit I have never seen a Friday the 13th movie. However, that didn’t stop me from sitting down with the man, who many feel is the best actor to ever po