Misandry With Marcia And Rae

The Militia vs R. Kelly



Thank you so much for all the e-mails, tweets and comments. Keep them coming!  Like/Follow/Share: Twitter: @MisandrywithMR Facebook: @misandrywithmarciaandrae Instagram: @misandrywithmarciaandrae E-mail us: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com & don't forget to review us on iTunes! Each woman will be able to save 3 men.* THIS WEEK, BROADCAST TO YOU LIVE FROM A BUNKER HIDDEN DEEP IN THE WOODS, Misandrists Marcia and Rae discuss: R Kelly, his cult, and the plethora of terrible takes. R. Kelly lives at Trump Tower... Outsiders jumping into conversation, distracting those connected. Celebrities running for office and embracing our new dystopian future. RAE'S AMAZING SISTER, Moshoodat Sanni: http://www.moshoodat.com/ Make-up videos and the people who comment. Bubbies, and generational internalized misogyny.  "Why are men?" RAE'S OUT OF TOWN & THEN WE WILL BE BACK with guests, #CrushMenMondays, #RaeverseRacisms & more! BEHOLD, THE FINAL WAVE. *subject to Board approval