Like A Mother

Tiffany the Budgetnista: The financial industry discriminated so she started a revolution



  This interview is a from the archives, and my admiration for Tiffany Aliche grows. We have become friends and she recently hosted me in her Live Richer Academy, which is part of her seven-figure business that has grown to include more than 300,000 women. I am constantly inspired by Aliche's passion, business brilliance and true activism to change the world.  +++ Man, I love Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche. The financial educator was really really ticked off that the financial industry ignored people of color -- especially women. She looked around and saw countless brilliant, successful doctors, lawyers, architects and MBAs -- who were in debt and with little financial literacy or foundation. In this hilarious and inspiring interview, Aliche tells me how she set out to change that. Within a single year, Aliche recruited nearly 20,000 women of color into her Live Richer Challenge, a free program and community that helps members take control of their finances. To date, the challenge participants collectively