Like A Mother

"Having kids inspired me take bigger risks and achieve in my career," Jeanie Ahn



  I recently met Jeanie Ahn at Yahoo! Finance, where she interviewed me for her show "The Payoff" (catch it on book launch day: Oct. 17!). Afterwards, we chatted about New York City schools, motherhood and work. Some of her comments struck me as remarkable and universal, and worthy of a whole podcast episode. In this Like a Mother episode, we hear from Ahn: The origins of her working-mom guilt (a mom who laid on thick the reminders of the professional and artistic sacrifices she made for her children) How she harnessed her mom-guilt to take big risk in her career  The steps she took to break out of the traditional TV producer career to forge a path that works for her, her family, and her career goals The magic that transpired when Ahn established what she wanted in a new job, including nice people, a family-friendly work schedule, and a higher-profile, on-camera role  How her spirituality enforces her work (I love this)