Like A Mother

"Should I tell my ex I have a boyfriend?"



  In this episode I address a reader's question:  I'm going to introduce the guy I'm seeing to my kids. Do I need to tell my ex? Even if it's not serious? Great question! Have a listen for my answer! Bottom lines: It's none of your ex's business — or vice versa. If you have a great and open relationship with your ex, then you should tell him because not telling him in your case would be weird.  If your kids are at risk of getting stuck in the middle of this pickle — say, might lie about meeting your new guy to protect their dad's feelings, or avoid a family fight — then you should also tell your ex in this case. I also give you specific scripts for sharing your dating status with your kids' dad, and tools for owning your truth, even if your ex calls you a filthy whore to your face (my story, maybe not your own).  Loving this podcast? Follow on RSS or  iTunes. Leave a review, me love you long time. Muah!  Are you part of the new Facebook group, Millionaire Single Moms? No income requirement, though BIG GOALS