Like A Mother

Se. 1, Ep. 15: Farnoosh Torabi and why breadwinning women make relationships so damn hard



In being so open about my romantic life and divorce, people -- strangers, even -- often confess to me the very personal, dirty details about their own personal lives. One big theme I hear again and again: Women frustrated with their husbands, whom they feel do not pull their weight around the house or with the kids. Then, in an angry whisper, she will lean in and snarl: "And I make all the money!" That is what is happening, people: Women -- yay us! -- are getting ahead, winning professional success and the money that comes with it. As we close that wage gap, more and more women are earning more than their man. And cheating, conflict and divorce ensue. In fact, marriages are 50 percent more likely to end in the even that the woman earns more than her husband. Fact. Today's guest, my friend personal finance journalist Farnoosh Torabi, geniusly wrote a whole book addressing this phenomenon head-on: the bestseller When She Makes More: 10 Rules for Breadwinning Women. Torabi, host of the So Money with Farnoosh Tor