Like A Mother

Se. 1, Ep. 8 When's the PERFECT time to have a baby? And why moms are so so stressed out (but don't have to be)



Moms and money! In this episode I interview two amazing women:  Mandi Woodruff, 27, is personal finance correspondent at Yahoo! and podcaster at Brown Ambition (with recent Like a Mother guest Tiffany 'The Budgetnista' Aliche). She also has an awesome boyfriend (they live in my neighborhood and have had dinner with my kids and me. Two words: A. Dorbs.) Why is she having such an existential crisis about when to have a baby? Mandi and talk through this very common challenge of women her age -- the pressure to have your career, finances and love life in perfect shape before bringing a little person into the world.  I also interview Laura Vanderkam, mom of 4 and author of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think, and I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make The Most of Their Time (in which she quotes moi). Laura is a student of America's time use-- especially families with professional mothers. She breaks down the myths about how much time we all think we spend with our kids, how much time we actuall