More Patients. More Impact. More Income

The Perpetual Patient Attraction Loop, Part 2



If you sold out, you could easily build a big practice with a lot of patients. You could partner with anyone and everyone, make false promises and accept any penny you could get. But as an authentic holistic practitioner, you’re in this to fulfill a mission of helping people relieve their pain and you don’t want to be controlled by greed. And if you’re struggling, it can feel like you’re at a disadvantage because you chose to be true to yourself. You’re not. In this episode, you’ll hear how you can use your mission as fuel for a thriving practice and a filled schedule. Show highlights include: - The best platform to find people who are seeking the healing you can provide. (9:30) - If you let your patients book their appointments with this common way, you’re losing more patients than you win. (12:25) - Why not to get discouraged if a patient doesn’t show up or doesn’t book—and how to get back on track if you lose a patient. (13:55) - Not having enough success yet? Why your patients might be just around the cor