More Patients. More Impact. More Income

The Most Important Commitment You Must Make



For purpose-driven practitioners like you, this might come as a shock—but you can’t help everyone you want to serve. No matter how much love and presence you give your patients, your treatments can’t heal everyone. And feeling like you failed your mission is like a punch in the gut. But making an impact isn’t just about giving people herbs or acupuncture. In this episode, you’ll learn how to have a giant impact independent of the outcome. Show highlights include: - A case study in treating your patients right—even if your methods don’t immediately work. (0:25) - You probably know these self-doubts… but here’s what can happen when you move past them. (1:30) - This is what can happen when you’re there for a patient who has “given up”. (2:35) - How to think about your practice when times are tough and you start to doubt yourself. (4:05) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot