This Craft Nation

TCN 14 - Talking Cocktails - Dale DeGroff & Adam Seger



TCN14 is from day six of our trip, featuring Dale Degroff and Adam Seger. We’d been adapting to the pace of New York City, which had us hustling through public transportation and urban navigation. We arrived to the IPic theater, and followed the signs up the escalators to The Tuck Room. Adam pulled a book, pivoting it from its bottom corner, and the entire bookshelf revealed itself to be a door, opening to an expansive, magical “green room.” If you’ve had a cocktail, you have benefited from the influence of Dale DeGroff. He goes by the well-deserved moniker of King Cocktail, and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that his work and his writings have directly or indirectly influenced every working bartender out there today. Adam Seger is a remarkable barman, connector and educator with a knack for bringing elegant and sophisticated presentations forward in an adventurous and comfortable way. It was a pleasure to talk to them both about cocktails, over cocktails.