This Craft Nation

TCN7 - GonzoFest 2017 | Acts I & II | Denny Humphrey, Ron Whitehead



This is TCN7, which includes Acts I & II of GonzoFest in three acts.  In this episode, Kyle and I talk to the founders of GonzoFest, a music and literary festival in Louisville, celebrating the work of Hunter S. Thompson.  GonzoFest lived as a bit of a half-way point on our horizon  — It was Day fourteen for us, so we were well into the thick of acquiring “Travel patina.”  We were also fiercely curious, as we really didn’t know what we were headed into.  Emily joined us that morning, and held down the fort at a TCN booth, as we got a chance to talk with the Denny and Ron who started this festival seven years ago.  We also got to talk with Hunter’s son, Juan - who’s featured in Act III which will be in TCN8.