Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Chad Wright - Wright Creative Group



Rebranding The Importance Of Authentic Storytelling Chad Wright says he believes so deeply in the impact of his team’s work, that he has no qualms about passing away in the middle of a “client pitch” someday. Sounds extreme, I know. Then again, you’d expect nothing less from a guy who stumbled upon his “life’s work” as a teenager. Wright literally grew up in the design business — working for a local newspaper at the age of fourteen and managing one by twenty. “Looking back on it, I don’t know what in the world they were thinking, giving me that kind of responsibility so young,” he confessed. “But you know, I think they saw that I was capable of building something and leading a team.” Decades later, it’s that same type of leadership that local churches, businesses and non-profits look for Wright and his team to provide — in an effort to help them tell their story. Storytelling, as we discuss in this interview, is a specialized skill that is too often overlooked in the “traditional approach” to personal and pro