Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

193. Karlee Fain Revisited: Cultivating Boundaries That Protect Your Soul’s Deepest Desires



“The better our boundaries are, the more powerful our presence will be in the world.” I’m super excited to re-release this incredible conversation I had with Karlee Fain earlier last year. After feeling a strong need to revisit my own boundary setting, I tuned into this conversation and took so many gems from it. Thanks to Karlee’s insights, I found it easier than it may have been to create the right boundaries for me. Boundaries are a way to create more power in your world. They also help to make relationships deeper, more connected, and safer. Boundaries can also help you to navigate tough conversations making this tool a skill to practice and master. If you feel drawn to practice setting and maintaining energetic and physical boundaries in your life, this episode will help. Check it out. “Creating boundaries takes real courage.”Karlee Fain is a celebrity business and health coach who shows career-driven women how to upgrade their boundaries so they can tap into their deepest wisdom and