Stories Of The Han




I preached for fifteen years. From door to door, God’s Kingdom was nigh and the end was near. I wore a suit, memorized my lines, my bible quotes locked and ready. I was a machine, I awoke in the wee hours of the morning til the sunset, my white collar stained, yellowed from sweat. Magazine in hand, I was always on, never off. Every hour of preaching, every conversation shared, all was logged on a monthly basis. This was me from age 5 to 20. This explains why I am still untangling my identity. When I broke free, I worked in the fields of fashion, art, and tech, I applied the same discipline, the same rinse and repeat because I knew no other way. Eventually everything falls apart. Today, I do the same with my physical regimen at the gym, the mountain hikes, the lap swims. I’m still on the hunt. I’m searching to puncture through the ether. I believe in happiness, I believe in humanity, I believe in love. The end isn’t nigh. God’s Kingdom is here, it’s been here all along. . #STORIES #STORY #CHILDHOO